Evolution; or How I became a “Glock Guy” Joel T. Nadler
Early History The first Glock I ever shot was a Gen 1 Glock 17 in the late 1980’2 and I absolutely hated it. I disliked the look “ugly black brick,” I disliked the grip angle “the 1911 isn’t broke, don’t fix it,” I did not like the increased felt recoil “this is...

Glock 29: 10 MM Carry (A Comparison of Magazine Extension Options)
Joel T. Nadler I am a proponent of carry the caliber that you can 1) easily carry, 2) want to practice with, and 3) can shoot reliably, accurately, and swiftly. If the answer to those questions is a .22, then so be it. Too many people carry a caliber they are...

Fundamentals and Mechanics: Practicing what you learned, Part II

Fundamentals and Mechanics: Practicing what you learned, Part I

How to Practice for Competitive Shooting: Fundamentals and Mechanics Dry-fire
The practice required to be a good shot is going to depend on what type of shooting you’re wanting to do. Although fundamentals (grip, stance, sight alignment/picture, trigger) are the base from which we build, each form of competition builds differently on top of...

A Quick Review of PC AMMO’s Purple Polymer Coated Bullets
As a shooting sports enthusiast and competition shooter I am at the shooting range 3-4 times a week to practice, and putting down range anywhere from 150 to 300 rounds per visit depending on what drill I'm practicing or new toy I'm breaking in. This is very costly...

Mental Game of Competition
In competition, what thoughts cross through your head between the utterance, "Standby..." and "BEEP!"? For me? It depends.There are occasional times where I am trying to remember a specific fundamental to focus on, such as "press" (as in smooth trigger...

Diversity in Shooting Competitions
Ladies, men and women of color and/or minority group members, if you've been waiting for a sign to be invited to shoot - this is it. Please join local shooting events. As a person who works full-time for a global company and focuses on diversity and...

Indy Shooting Team Practice Drills
Joel Nadler, Team Captain and Senior Instructor at Indy Arms Drills by Meghan Lowery and Joshua Imel A very common question anyone will ask when wanting to improve a skill is ‘what should I be practicing?’ This can be a complex...

Should I become or remain a member of the NRA?
Regardless of what I think of some of the NRA’s policy decisions and their leadership, the NRA is still the giant elephant in the room. They are, for better or worse, the one organization working the most on the political/legislative battles at the national level. All...
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